Monday, February 05, 2007


It's been awhile. To long. Over a month (by 2 days). I've been very busy. I just finished my finals for 1st semester and now I'm on semester 2. YAY! HOMEWORK ON THE FIRST DAY! BOOOO!!!!
My Classes are: Socials 11, Filmmaking 11, Digital Media Development 11, and Physics 11.

Still with Courtney, our one month was last wednesday. We have been going out for 37 days now!

Heres my life since my last post:
I got a portable harddrive, 320GB. I got a shaver, a nice electric one. My english teacher, Mr. Belec, was arrested for having sex with a student. I switched to a phone plan so I get free texting. So far I have sent about 2000, and have had the plan not even a month yet. No Joke. I downloaded the "Rocket Man" ringtone last night. Next weekend I'm going snowboarding for the weekend and my girlfriend can't come.

Anything else I'll post later.

Oh but I did make one more quick movie for youtube. I made it really quick after getting a copy of Sony Vegas 7 (video editing software).

Current Mood: Happy but Tired
Current Music: God who is able - friday's cry

UPDATE: It turns out, Mr. Belec didn't sleep with a student. He is just in trouble for some sort of sexual expliotation. Sorry about that.


Warthor said...

LOL Epic movie!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey! wow i think i read about that teacher on the newspaper! anywayss aww your leaving=( no more youth for a while well actually i can't go well not for a while
anyways have fun in kamloops
dont flirt too much
i dont think courtney would like that lol hahaa

arcticsnowgirl said...

Hey...very cool something in your last posting...thought I would correct you,your Teacher,Mr.Belec?the guy is unfortunately getting a rap for sexual exploitation not having sex with a student.Big difference.Its pretty crappy too considering it doesn't sound as though many of the students or his peers believe it.So,this came up when blogging info on Mr.Belec through a local paper...thought I would correct you,as ...I am also a friend of his.........Snow boarding huh?my past time as well...I am not in Van so I get local resorts which is very cool....Keep creating those videos!!