Monday, December 25, 2006



I got an amazing acoustic guitar!!! First song played on it: Blackbird by The Beatles!

I also got San Andreas, Talladega Nights, Foo Fighters: Skin and Bones, Motley Crue: Greatest Hits, CSS, ALOT OF CANDY/CHOCOLATE! And assorted other stuff, like underwear socks etc. Christian got me an Audioslave Tshirt, Maycee and Joss got me American Eagle Shirts, kelly got me a tshirt, I got some gift certifercates, and some pringles.

I am going to Christian's house soon. We are having dinner there. Then Chris is coming over, and we are going to bestbuy in the morning. Then after, Chris, Joss and I are going to Lougheed mall! YAY! Then we have the Boxing Day Brunch!

I might be working on Wednesday :(
Current Song: 3 Doors Down - Hes Everything You Want
Current Mood: HAPPY! :) :) :D

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Chris Is Back! (3/6/43)

My boss hired Chris again, if I havn't told you. Me and my cousin worked today, and got paid a hefty sum... or we will get paid... thursday. We are working tomorow and hopefully thursday...

Anyways... I have been working on more music and poems, so stay tuned!

Youth has been moved to Fridays now :( :S it kinda sucks. I don't think I'll be able to go as often :( but I'll try my best.
Current Song: Timothy Watkins - Don't Wanna Be Your Ballsack No More
Current Mood: Dazzled!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Shopping! (4/7/44)

(Incase you are wondering, the (4/7/44) means 4 days left of school, 7 days till christmas, and 44 days till my birthday!)

Ahh I have already spent $150 on christmas shopping! And I'm not done yet :(

Wrote another song, called Dennis the Owl. Showing it to John soon.

And another poem-ish kinda thing:

Am I a mere insect
Captivated by the flame?
No, I am not insane
So do not call me so
For it would be vain.
The truth is I am truly real,
As through this ordeal
I reflect upon the mess of this,
walking dark through an abyss
No light to guide me
there is no end
the tunnel goes on.

December 15th, 2006 (C) Timothy Joel Watkins

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Peter Boyle

I updated to the new blogger, and its a bit weird, but its got some nice features.

Other than that, Peter Boyle died yesterday! WHY PETER!!!! WHY!!!!!!! YOU WERE SO COOL!!! WHY'D YOU HAVE TO LEAVE US!
Peter Boyle
Well miss you Peter.
Also, Joss is at aerosmith right now!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Foo Fighters

My latest poem. I wrote it in a few seconds in school. It's not quite as... serious as my others...

Foo Fighters rock
They rock my socks
and if u hate them
then suck a cock

David Grohl
Your beard is cool
and every soul
knows that your kool!

December 6th, 2006 (C) Timothy Joel Watkins

12 Days left till break!

Monday, December 04, 2006

13 days

Today I got out early from school. In Gym I had a test and I think I did well, but I have to wait for my mark... Sub in English, Math was boring, German was easy.

Pretty boring day, homework all day now, and for the rest of the day.

And I've gotta shave!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

The past weekend (15 days left)

Thursday: music practice. Me and John cleared the stage at church, then Dave brought the drum kit and amps in his car. Then Jono showed up and we all practiced. It turned out well. Then after I tryed to steal Daves car, but stopped abit down John's street so he could drive me home.

Friday: Goofed off, Chilled with Chris, the usual. I saw Tenacious D and The Pick of Destiny with James and Chris.

Saturday: SHOWTIME! Me, Chris, Dave, John, and Jono went out to Red Robins after practicing abit, then we went back to the church and chilled out. Then we played our FIRST SHOW! It went great and everyone was cheering as if we were a really awesome band. That made my day, and I know thats what I want to do from now on. Then we went to Dave's house and me and Chris raced Dave and John to my house. Me on bike, Chris on foot, Dave and John in the car. Chris and I won!!! YEAH!!

Today(Sunday): 15 days left of school! 15 days till I'm free!!! All I've been doing today is writing a short story for english.... argh sooo long.......!!