Monday, December 25, 2006



I got an amazing acoustic guitar!!! First song played on it: Blackbird by The Beatles!

I also got San Andreas, Talladega Nights, Foo Fighters: Skin and Bones, Motley Crue: Greatest Hits, CSS, ALOT OF CANDY/CHOCOLATE! And assorted other stuff, like underwear socks etc. Christian got me an Audioslave Tshirt, Maycee and Joss got me American Eagle Shirts, kelly got me a tshirt, I got some gift certifercates, and some pringles.

I am going to Christian's house soon. We are having dinner there. Then Chris is coming over, and we are going to bestbuy in the morning. Then after, Chris, Joss and I are going to Lougheed mall! YAY! Then we have the Boxing Day Brunch!

I might be working on Wednesday :(
Current Song: 3 Doors Down - Hes Everything You Want
Current Mood: HAPPY! :) :) :D

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Chris Is Back! (3/6/43)

My boss hired Chris again, if I havn't told you. Me and my cousin worked today, and got paid a hefty sum... or we will get paid... thursday. We are working tomorow and hopefully thursday...

Anyways... I have been working on more music and poems, so stay tuned!

Youth has been moved to Fridays now :( :S it kinda sucks. I don't think I'll be able to go as often :( but I'll try my best.
Current Song: Timothy Watkins - Don't Wanna Be Your Ballsack No More
Current Mood: Dazzled!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Shopping! (4/7/44)

(Incase you are wondering, the (4/7/44) means 4 days left of school, 7 days till christmas, and 44 days till my birthday!)

Ahh I have already spent $150 on christmas shopping! And I'm not done yet :(

Wrote another song, called Dennis the Owl. Showing it to John soon.

And another poem-ish kinda thing:

Am I a mere insect
Captivated by the flame?
No, I am not insane
So do not call me so
For it would be vain.
The truth is I am truly real,
As through this ordeal
I reflect upon the mess of this,
walking dark through an abyss
No light to guide me
there is no end
the tunnel goes on.

December 15th, 2006 (C) Timothy Joel Watkins

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Peter Boyle

I updated to the new blogger, and its a bit weird, but its got some nice features.

Other than that, Peter Boyle died yesterday! WHY PETER!!!! WHY!!!!!!! YOU WERE SO COOL!!! WHY'D YOU HAVE TO LEAVE US!
Peter Boyle
Well miss you Peter.
Also, Joss is at aerosmith right now!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Foo Fighters

My latest poem. I wrote it in a few seconds in school. It's not quite as... serious as my others...

Foo Fighters rock
They rock my socks
and if u hate them
then suck a cock

David Grohl
Your beard is cool
and every soul
knows that your kool!

December 6th, 2006 (C) Timothy Joel Watkins

12 Days left till break!

Monday, December 04, 2006

13 days

Today I got out early from school. In Gym I had a test and I think I did well, but I have to wait for my mark... Sub in English, Math was boring, German was easy.

Pretty boring day, homework all day now, and for the rest of the day.

And I've gotta shave!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

The past weekend (15 days left)

Thursday: music practice. Me and John cleared the stage at church, then Dave brought the drum kit and amps in his car. Then Jono showed up and we all practiced. It turned out well. Then after I tryed to steal Daves car, but stopped abit down John's street so he could drive me home.

Friday: Goofed off, Chilled with Chris, the usual. I saw Tenacious D and The Pick of Destiny with James and Chris.

Saturday: SHOWTIME! Me, Chris, Dave, John, and Jono went out to Red Robins after practicing abit, then we went back to the church and chilled out. Then we played our FIRST SHOW! It went great and everyone was cheering as if we were a really awesome band. That made my day, and I know thats what I want to do from now on. Then we went to Dave's house and me and Chris raced Dave and John to my house. Me on bike, Chris on foot, Dave and John in the car. Chris and I won!!! YEAH!!

Today(Sunday): 15 days left of school! 15 days till I'm free!!! All I've been doing today is writing a short story for english.... argh sooo long.......!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sick :(

So the last few days I've been home sick. It sucks. I've been stuck in this house and it's boring.

All I've been doing is playing guitar and piano, reading, and playing CoD2; along with talking to people on msn and phone.

I have read "All Quiet on the Western Front" which was a great book. I would recommend it to anyone. I'm just starting "The Screwtape Letters: A Devil's Diabolical Advice for the Capturing of a Human Heart". James said it was a good book, and no, it's not an emo book. It's by C.S. Lewis, who is a pretty respectable guy.

CoD2 has been fun, expecially after reading "All Quiet on the Western Front" which was a WW1 book.

Saturday our band is playing at GCF. It should be fun. It's our first show as a band. Were playing 3 songs, even though they only want us for 2 songs. Thursday we practice, and Saturday morning we practice, then move it all to the church. YAY! Should be fun...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

So Right

Why do I grow old
yet the time doesnt pass me by?
and why can't I just die?
and as my problems seem to fight
the very thing I want
more than anything tonight,
to hold you here with me
so tight

Why am I so cold
yet the snow never falls from the sky?
but as my heart turns dry,
the unique shapes they come in sight
and as they shine to give
the darkest night new light,
I wonder how this could be
so right

November 28th, 2006 (c) Timothy Joel Watkins

Monday, November 27, 2006


So the pastor of my church read my blog, and he wanted me to speak about rest for a few minutes on sunday, but I didn't prepare anything. I feel really bad that I didn't.

Also, we got a band name! "Fortunate Downfall"
Here are our websites:
Band Email:

Check us out!
On Saturday, John and I went out to look for a job for John. He has got 2 interviews this week already. Then after, we went to the church. John put out the chairs while I organised the cables and mic'd the drum kit! I also took a swing at tuning the kick drum, because it was horrible, and held together with tape.

Then after, we chilled around Poco, and it was awesome. SNOW EVERYWHERE! I had fun. We also ran into Chris, Nick, Maycee, Joss, and abunch of M.R. people that were going to the Ninjaspy concert. Then we went to John's house and chilled with Joel.

Then last night we had a band practice. Jono couldn't make it because he was snowed in and lives so far away. But we worked on some songs, and talked about the band, joked around, and went to McDonalds. "SPRINGTIME!"

Current Mood: Happy/Cold
Current Music: Aerosmith - Crazy

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

PS3 and speech

Today, after school, I went to a friends house and guess what: I tryed out the PS3! It was amazing, but I didn't like the game he had. It was just like every other hack/slash game but with great graphics. I cant wait for killzone though. It should be great!

Also, they are filming AVP2 in PoCo. That's right! Alien vs. Preditor 2, in Port Coquitlam! Such a big movie in such a small place. Good job PoCo.

Oh I did my speech today, did well, and wasn't to nervous. I screwed up a few times, but I was perfect in the time limit. My downfall was my "distracting hand movments" because I raised my hands to about chest level once. But all the speech writing was amazing. Half a mark off of perfect for the acuall speech, so if a pro would have presented it, I would have got perfect on all aspects!

And hmmm... what else... there was more... I just dont remember... stupid memory.
Current Mood: Contempt
Current Music: Audioslave - Be Yourself

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Don't Laugh

This whole week I've been working, and working on my specch to improve it. My teacher was yet again sick on friday, so monday or tuesday will be speech day!

I got more phone minutes too! But don't abuse my phone or I'll just screen your calls... LOL JKJK...

Wow I had a very... tired weekend. The usual hanging with John and/or Chris most of the time. John on friday after work till about 3pm saturday, then Saturday till now I hung out with Chris.

Me and Chris started this contest to see who cannot laugh the longest, where when we are together, we can't laugh (because we can't film when we are away to see if we laugh). Also, we can't use physical aid in making the person laugh (no tickling). So we have been doing this since 3am last night, then we came to church today and continued it. And so far we havn't made each other laugh, dispite constant trying and jokes, even almost making ourselves laugh.
So today in church we stopped for a bit and started again but with John, and he laughed at me saying OK in a weird voice even only after 5 minutes of the contest, and was out so now its back to me and Chris.

On a more... shocking note, Chris went for a jump onto the back of his mom's car, and broke the rear windsheild. Now he has to take the $300 from selling his X-Box and buy a new one. Doesn't look like he'll be getting that guitar any time soon...
Current Mood: Huuuungry
Current Music: Gary Jules - Mad World

Monday, November 13, 2006

The weekend

Sorry for the past weekend. Like I said before, I have a speech due tomorrow that is worth 20% of my english 11 mark. If I don't finish it, I fail.

Other than that though, I JUST FINISHED MY SPEECH! I'll be presenting it tomorrow, wednesday, or thursday, depending on random selection in the class. Hope it goes well! After I say it, I'll post it on here (for counter-argument speech reasons. I dont want someone oppsoing my speech to be able to knock down everything I say.

Anyways, I had a fun weekend with Chris, John, and Joel. Friday me and Chris rented MI:3 and watched it, but not before wandering Coquitlam aimlessly. Then saturday, me and Chris chilled and played San Andreas, and I dont remember the rest of that day. Then sunday me, John, Joel, and Chris chilled out, walked around Port Coquitlam at 12am, and played San Andreas, and music. Then monday they all went home.

Oh and sunday night we also started on another movie idea.... More to come as this story develops...

Current Music: Relient K - In Like A Lion (Always Winter)
Current Mood: Tired and ready to sleep

Thursday, November 09, 2006


YAY! I went to Long & McQuade last night to rent a guitar, and great news: They had the exact same one I rented last time! Not just the same model or brand, but the exact same, with all those scraches and nics in it! It's a great guitar. I think I might buy it or a new one like it. It's sooo awesome!

Anyways, I realised why the musicians life is perfect for me. First off, I love music and I love playing music. Duh. But also, I have been stuck in Port Coquitlam my whole life, so I'm dying to travel. I want to go everywhere, and touring is going everywhere.
Farthest north=somewhere in bc
Farthest west=vancouver island
Farthest east=saskatuan
Farthest south=seatle
Not the most traveling in my life... But I'm gunna travel alot when I'm older...


More to come later!!
Current Music: Starland Vocal Group - Afternoon Delight
Current Mood: Excited!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Speech Update!

YEAH!!! GREAT NEWS!!! The date for the speech has been moved to Tuesday!!! I can relax abit more!

I think I'll rent another acoustic guitar today... I love playing them.

Well, I have to go to L&M, more to come later!
Current song: Brian Adams - Summer of '69
Current Mood: Relieved!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Argh I have a speech due friday worth my whole english 11 grade pretty much. Sorry I cant write much the next few days, but I'll try to in my spare time.

Youth is canceled this weekend.

I learn something new about myself everyday. I realised how glad I am that Joss didn't go out with me when I wanted her to awhile back. Nothing against her, infact it wouldn't have been bad if she did, but it's better this way. Now we have an awesome friendship and I can tell her anything. Honesty is amazing.
Current Music: Relient K -Over Thinking (Acoustic)
Current Mood: Overwhelmed

Monday, November 06, 2006

Sick :(

Today I stayed home sick... not good because I really need to work. I need to start saving for a car, and for moving out in the next 2 years. Oh and insurance... and gas... and school... ahhh alot coming up. Soo much to do and so little time!

I learned Blackbird on the guitar now, and I've been practicing it. Chris you got it stuck in my head!
Current Mood: Sick :(
Current Song: The Beatles - Blackbird

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Brother turned 19!

Hey everyone!

Last night my brother turned 19 so I was to 'busy' to update... We had a good time... messed up Street Figher 2 and UMK3... James couldn't do any combos because of his... dizzyness. Played some poker, some SNES, some guitar, the usual...

Oh Christian, Taylor, and myself filmed an amazing Dance party commercial last night too!

And the night before, me and Christian filmed a commerical against Crystal Meth. So I suggest anyone that does drugs, is from Surry, or just wants a good laugh to watch it.

That is on my personal YouTube account, not Victim Productions.
Current Music: Lonestar - Baby Im Amazed By You
Current Mood: Tired

UPDATE: WOAH I posted this at 1:23pm...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Flash 8

Well, great news!

My friend said he could get me Flash 8, well all of studio 8, for free. That was great news.

But I couldn't wait so I "borrowed" someones CD key and yay! I have Flash 8! Works like magic! Just don't tell Adobe where I live.

So now all I need is an idea...
I had a really lazy day today. I didn't work, I didn't do anything really. Mostly spent playing music, getting Flash 8, and going to John's house to get my stuff. He is away to a confrence by the way. But he will be back on Friday.
Current Music: Dr. Evil - It's a hard knock life
Current Mood: Excited for Flash 8!

3 cheers for Flash 8!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

New Movie!

I gave up on this video editing with flash mx 6. It wasn't designed for that. I need Flash 8 or at least Flash 7, but 8 will cost atleast $400 US... maybe more...

But I still got the movie done, just less good and more crappily. Crappy effects and bad overlays, these could all be fixed with Flash 8, and maybe 7, if I simply knew a rich producor that could afford $400.

Here it is! "Victor Bidwell's Guitar Method Commercial":

Comment on it here, and at if you can. And don't forget to tell your friends about our youtube page at

Flash just changed from $999US to $699US! And the upgrade has gone from $399US to $299US! Maybe I can buy the upgrade... or maybe they are releasing flash 9 soon...

Halloween '06 Part 2

Well I'll keep this short. Because I helped at the church, I got a free bag of candy. And I don't mean a small bag. I mean like ALOT of candy (plus me and John found more later to add to it). Then I went to John's house and spent the night. We were gunna chill with some people but we fell asleep.

That night I had the weirdest dream. I was driving a car on the road, no specific road, just a road. I was trying to stop and I was slowing putting on the brakes, but the car kept going faster. Then I slammed down on the brakes and the car sped up more. Then I put on the emergency brakes and the car went full speed ahead. And no matter what I did, I couldn't stop this car.
--Now I don't know what this dream means, maybe comment what you think, or just think about it, it's up to you.

Then the next day was the usual school day, but John's mom dropped me off and made me lunch, which was nice because I wasn't even expecting it, so it was a nice suprise.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween '06 Part 1

Today at school was interesting. I went as an amish guy, but with my new improved beard. Half the people thought I was Amish, the other half thought I was a Rabbi. So when people asked, I said I was an Amish Jew.

Don't expect me to d much video editing today, it's halloween. And I also need Flash 8, because I am still using Flash MX(6). And I don't mean the free player, I mean the expensive Development Enviorment. Maybe Bittorrent has it...

More Later!

Current Mood: Tired (just got out of school)
Current Music: Relient K - Maintain Consciousness

Monday, October 30, 2006


Today I started my drivers training! It was fun, and a nice drive, except the trainer was kind of pissy about my right turns..... always saying im to wide or not wide enough, and when I ask her how wide I should go, she gets mad. But at the end she said "Your parents have done a good job teaching you so far, because your pretty good. Just practice your turns, and remeber to shoulder check."

Then after that, I started playing some piano, and listening to music. Then I started the film editing. It took me forever to find the camera, but I found it. As I copyed the whole tape to the computer, and scanned through it, I noticed a clip I can use for another movie. "Victor Bidwell's Guitar Lesson Commercial" will be posted on youtube shortly. I still have to finish editing it and adding in effects and overlays, but that wont take long. I'll post an update on here when the video is ready.

I also had whitespot today. It was Delicous.
And I'm going to try and write more poems soon.
Current Mood: Full (from Whitespot)
Current Music: Brian Doerksen - You Surround Me (I dont know why... It's just stuck in my head)

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Today was fun! I got not enough sleep, but other then that it was goood. I had music practice after church, with my band. It went well. We ran through some songs, then started jamming and wrote an intro song on the spot. Then we went to McD's and got meals and STRAWBERRY PIE!!! It was delicious! Then we played more music and jammed.

I later came home, talked on the phone, and drank apple cider. Then I learned to play "Can you feel the love tonight?" on the piano... kinda... well it's my second day playing piano so bear with me. I've got the bass, the treble and the holds good, but I need practice. But I've been practicing so much that my fingers hurt like they were cut off. I'll get better as I practice I hope.

Also, I bought a new beard today. You might be thinking "What the heck?!?" but this is for my halloween costume... and maybe a prop for future movies. It has a moustache attached which is a nice addition, and its brown. I'm all set for halloween on Tuesday.

Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was very busy. But here is a quick overview of Saturday:
Nathan and Chris came over in the morning. We bussed out to Mostly Music and he bought Street Fighter 2, and I bought James' Birthday present. Then we walked to McD's and ate Strawberry Pie. It took so long that the manager gave it to us on a plate with a side of icecream for free! It was amazing. Then we just barely missed our bus to my house. Then we waited 30 mintues for the next bus. Then we came home and played Street Fighter 2. Then when they left, Taylor came over and we played Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. Then Victor came over and we all went to youth group. It was fun and after, John and Taylor slept over. We watched Grilled, but I wouldn't suggest it. It wasn't bad, but it had a weird plot. And it was kind of corney.

Current Mood: Tired.. only 5 hours sleep... even with the time switch
Current Song: Elton John - Can You Feel the Love Tonight

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Cleaning Day

After school I spent the whole day cleaning... mostly. But lets start at the top!

Today in school I had alot of orange juice. And I mean ALOT! Like... 4 Dole bottles emptied from 8-3pm today (I finished the last one at home).
The day was pretty boring, that is, until lunch. We got pretty bored so we started kicking over all the cones on the football feild. It was pretty entertaining. I chucked one at one of my friends and that was fun to watch too.
Then I had gym class, in which we went on another feild trip! We went to Hyde Creek Rec. Centre and had a choice of 4 activitys: Swimming, Weight room, Sqash, or Wallyball (like vollyball but in a room with closed in walls so if it hits the wall, its still in). Me and 8 others choose Wallyball, but wanted to swim (but we forgot our swimming stuff). So Yeah that was a verrrry interesting game... more of "kick the balls off the wall the whole time when the teacher isn't looking" then vollyball, but oh well, it was fun!

Then I walked home from Hyde Creek because it was my last class, and it's closer to my home than the school is. But when I came home there was a BIG MESS!!! No, no one robbed us, it was there when I left for school. So I ended up cleaning up most of the mess, and vaccumed, and now I have room to set up alot of my music stuff again! YAY!

Oh and I also played gutiar alot today.

More updates tommorow, maybe more lyrics or a poem, and don't forget to read yesterday's lyrics/poem and blog!
Current mood: Happy!
Current Song: Relient K - Forward Motion

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Fix Me Lord

This is a poem I wrote in two parts. Last night at about 11pm I wrote the first verse, and today at the same time I wrote the second part. It is strange how I am most creative at this time of night. Well here it is:

My heart is filled with many stings
Things of the past, oh my heart sings
Sings a cry out, out to my King
Please fix me Lord, cleanse everything

God please help me, this worlds not fair.
Those from this Earth, they just don't care
I feel I'm broke beyond repair

I know your out there, please hear my prayer.

October 25th, 2006 (c) Timothy Joel Watkins
Ok there it is! Comment on it or somthing... I dunno. It's up to you.
Current Mood: Tired and ready for bed!
Current Music: Relient K - In like a Lion (It's always winter)


I stole this idea from my cousin Chris. Pretty much, at the end of every post, I'll add:

Current Mood: (MOOD HERE)

Or here is an example, and the closing of my post

Song: Lifehouse - Blind
Current Mood: Tired... and Bored

Those Holigans and their School Skipping

Ok I have a little confession to make. I didn't want to go to my first class today so I got ready for school and went back to bed. I woke up 15 minutes before my second class, giving me plently of time to bike to school. But here is the fun part: My bikes chain snapped in half! (which you would have known if you read my blog more often). I completly forgot about this and so I was going crazy when I remebered right before my next class. So I went around back and saw my dad's bike. I tryed it out and did a lap of the backyard but it was wayyyy to high up and sitting down and standing made no real diffrence, so I couldn't go very fast, and I looked like a complete idiot too.

So eventually I gave up and put the bike back. I had a long walk to school and showed up 20 minutes late for my second class.Then the teacher made me give an explaination in front of the whole class about why I was late! But in the end it was worth it because I got an hour more of sleep! Plus I got a good laugh out of it later.

And Chris (my single reader that I know of right now), I DO eat chicken pizza and I ENJOY IT AND TAKE PRIDE IN IT!!!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tuesday the 24th, October '06

Well today has been weird.

In gym class we went 5-pin/3-ball bowling. It was weird because half way through the game it started giving me only 2 balls instead of 3 so that affected my score abit... I only got 116 :(...

Then today on my way to work my bike broke... yes thats right, the old CLIPPER has been retired. The chain snapped in half, and the pedal almost fell off. I slammed my knee into the handle bar and had to walk the rest of the way with my broken bike. I guess it's time for a new bike now! YAY!

Then after work I had music practice at the church. It was OK, but during the last song I almost fell asleep.....

Now for the deep stuff:
This whole personal situation that I am not going to describe on here is not getting better much. It's not getting worse, but not better. It's just about the same. Except that the more I have to wait, the more impatiant I get.

And tommorow is the bible study where I get to share some feelings about the trip, and about the attacks of Satan!!! OOOOOHH BE AFRAID!!! Acually dont be afraid because you shouldn't fear Satan because he is powerless against my God! Here's a little sneak preview of what I'll be sharing:
This is from my journal:
"...It seems whenever my life goes up a step, something bad happens..."...Is Satan playing games with me?"
Then later I wrote:
"...Bad things don't happen after good things, Bad things happen because Satan wants to move us away from the good things to come. He is afraid of God's plan for me so he is attacking me..." "...I must be important to God for Satan to be that worried about me and my future."

So there is a sneak preview! I might throw some verses in there and more stuff. Come to bible study on Wednesday (tommorow) to hear more!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Always There

Here is my poem titled "Always There". I made it this morning at about 9 or 10am... It was weird. I woke up, wrote the first 2 verses, then slept again. I woke up again later and wrote the rest. Here it is:

Though I may face much pain and sorrow
And many burdens may lie ahead
I will look forward to tomorrow
Because the Lord my God has said

"Do not fear death
at point of knife
but be thankful for
the things in your life

I am here for you now
Just as I was then
I've never left you before
And I wont leave you again

I've always been here
Though you never knew
In your troubled times
I would carry You"

October 23nd, 2006 (c) Timothy Joel Watkins


I am the happy and the sad.
I am the stronghold that stands through the attacks of the enemy
But crumbles at a single blow from a loved one.

October 22nd, 2006 (c) Timothy Joel Watkins

This means alot to me beacuse it pretty much describes me. I am a big guy that alot of my friends go to for advice or protection, and I am like "an Oak tree where the birds take nest" and can withstand alot, but when a friend or loved one hits me emotionaly, I rip like paper.

"In a Hole" Haiku

Here Is my 4 verse haiku called "In a Hole":

Am I in a hole
That I can not get out of?
Or is this a cloud?

Lifting me higher,
I want to get down from here
Or is this God's plan?

Is this just a test?
Or is this God calling me
to be what he chose?

Am I free from life?
Or will this circle kill me?
God please save my soul!

October 22nd, 2006 (c) Timothy Joel Watkins


Welcome to my brand-spanken-new blog! It's gunna be interesting, and not the usual one-post and the blog is forgotten kinda thing! It is really gunna be good this time! I promise!