Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tuesday the 24th, October '06

Well today has been weird.

In gym class we went 5-pin/3-ball bowling. It was weird because half way through the game it started giving me only 2 balls instead of 3 so that affected my score abit... I only got 116 :(...

Then today on my way to work my bike broke... yes thats right, the old CLIPPER has been retired. The chain snapped in half, and the pedal almost fell off. I slammed my knee into the handle bar and had to walk the rest of the way with my broken bike. I guess it's time for a new bike now! YAY!

Then after work I had music practice at the church. It was OK, but during the last song I almost fell asleep.....

Now for the deep stuff:
This whole personal situation that I am not going to describe on here is not getting better much. It's not getting worse, but not better. It's just about the same. Except that the more I have to wait, the more impatiant I get.

And tommorow is the bible study where I get to share some feelings about the trip, and about the attacks of Satan!!! OOOOOHH BE AFRAID!!! Acually dont be afraid because you shouldn't fear Satan because he is powerless against my God! Here's a little sneak preview of what I'll be sharing:
This is from my journal:
"...It seems whenever my life goes up a step, something bad happens..."...Is Satan playing games with me?"
Then later I wrote:
"...Bad things don't happen after good things, Bad things happen because Satan wants to move us away from the good things to come. He is afraid of God's plan for me so he is attacking me..." "...I must be important to God for Satan to be that worried about me and my future."

So there is a sneak preview! I might throw some verses in there and more stuff. Come to bible study on Wednesday (tommorow) to hear more!

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