Thursday, November 09, 2006


YAY! I went to Long & McQuade last night to rent a guitar, and great news: They had the exact same one I rented last time! Not just the same model or brand, but the exact same, with all those scraches and nics in it! It's a great guitar. I think I might buy it or a new one like it. It's sooo awesome!

Anyways, I realised why the musicians life is perfect for me. First off, I love music and I love playing music. Duh. But also, I have been stuck in Port Coquitlam my whole life, so I'm dying to travel. I want to go everywhere, and touring is going everywhere.
Farthest north=somewhere in bc
Farthest west=vancouver island
Farthest east=saskatuan
Farthest south=seatle
Not the most traveling in my life... But I'm gunna travel alot when I'm older...


More to come later!!
Current Music: Starland Vocal Group - Afternoon Delight
Current Mood: Excited!


Jameserson said...


Timothy Watkins said...

sooory mr. english professor